Spam and
internet marketing are often confused with each other among people who know little to nothing about internet marketing. You can be any kind of internet marketer and hate spam with passion, in fact its common and I'm one of those haters of spam myself. If you spam for a living, I hope that something stops your heart from beating.
I am pleased to read that
Pinterest is choosing to block affiliate links. Its a step in the right direction, even though I as an affiliate could miss out on an opportunity to spam that site if I wanted. However, Pinterest doesn't seem that unique. It appears to be just another big site to share things you find on the web. But I think its good when another "big thing" comes out so that traffic is divided and the owners of these sites are forced to be more competitive -
Income inequality doesn't need to get any worse.
It sounds like
comment spam will become an outdated tactic later if not sooner. You know, when someone writes a really short or otherwise generic comment on a blog which doesn't even address what's being discussed just so they can drop a link. Maybe site owners would be smart to not let any URL's onto their blog through comments? Well, that's how some of them handle it. I personally don't like that, because I like leaving comments on blogs with a URL, under the condition that my comment is relevant and valuable.
I found a unique way to
fight email spammers and waste their time
"This page has fifty randomly generated email addresses (refresh and new ones will appear). At the bottom of the page is a link to this page again, essentially reloading it for programs to collect more fake email addresses. Email collecting programs (spam bots) will be sent into an infinite loop by following the link at the bottom of the page and will get more and more fake email addresses stuck in their databases."
What a convenient way for such a website to get back links. Totally ethical and unspammy of them as well. As a blogger and affiliate marketer who rarely encounters email spam, the main annoyance I've seen is blogspam and spam on forums. (
Blog spam is a term that's often used to describe any spammy website.) A common way of fighting blog spam would be when a moderator chooses to shadow their posts, or even
shadow ban the user (they can still log on and see what others are saying, but only they can see the posts that they make). Another good technique to waste a spammer's time, although this is often used by unfair moderators, or by an unfair built in algorithm of the forum (in other words it might not be based on a decision made by a person, but instead certain keywords were detected over time etc.)
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